Do not miss the opportunity to join our Basketball Leagues in Canary Wharf starting on 24th of September. You can join as a team or if you do not have a team we will try to find you one. Follow your passions and do not stop playing basketball… Come Out and Play. Sign up NOW
Play Safe… Let’s bring back basketball to the courts safely. We love the sport but due to covid we can no longer play and socialise as we used to do. Please follow the Covid guidelines and let’s make playing basketball possible
Leaving or visiting London and want to play Basketball ? You can join our friendly and competitive sessions by signing up on the website at the location you want to play. You can play basketball every Saturday in Kings Cross at 12.15 . Come Out and Play! Looking forward to seeing you there
Congratulations to Ringers who won the Monday Edgware Road Basketball League Amazing performance and it shows that strong will can win Championships. Any teams who can challenge Ringers? Come Out and Play!
Congratulations to Admirals who won the Tuesday Mile End Basketball League after defeating Morgan Stanley. Amazing performance for both teams and it shows that strong will can win Championships. Any teams who can challenge Admirals? Come Out and Play!
Want to join one of the best basketball leagues in London? Sign up at our website . You can join as a team or individual. If you do not have a team, we will find you one. Join a league and have the opportunity to compete against other teams, have fun, meet new people…
Do you want to Play Basketball in London? Look no further. We organise basketball pickup games every Sunday at Shadwell, so just sign up on the website at the location you want to play and Come Out and Play! Follow your passion…